
The Ten Commandments...

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hotcheeto89's avatar

Literature Text

1. Like's there's only one Shigeru Miyamoto, there's only one God.

2. Don't worship your favorite game system or make your favorite game character an idol.

3. Don't take the Lord's name in vain, no matter how many game overs you get on Kid Icarus.

4. Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy. You can play video games the other six days of the week.

5. Respect and honor your parents - especially if they supply you games or money for games.

6. Unless you're playing Assassin's Creed, don't commit murder.

7. Mario saves Peach, Link saves Zelda, so save your own princess and no one else's.

8. The only time when it's good to steal is when you're playing Grand Theft Auto.

9. Don't throw your controller at the wall! If you make a mistake in a game, it's your fault, not the controller's.

10. Don't desire your friend's games, systems, and accessories. If you've got money, go out and buy them yourself.
Based on the Ten Commandments from the Christian Bible, inspiration from "Ten Commandments - Norwegian style" magnet.

(c) 2009 by HotCheeto89
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